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New UK Password Law

New UK Password Law

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In a novel approach to cybersecurity back in April the UK banned ‘Admin’ and ‘12345’ from being used as passwords to crackdown on cyber-attacks. These new laws aim to make it tougher for cyber-attacks to succeed and increase consumer confidence in the security of the products they use and buy.  These common and easily guessed passwords are part of world-first laws to protect against cyber-attacks. They are part of the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) regime – designed to improve the UK’s resilience from cyber-attacks and ensure malign interference does not impact the wider UK and global economy.

As well as default passwords, if a user suggests a common password they will be prompted to change it on creation of a new account. This comes as homes filled with smart devices could be exposed to more than 12,000 hacking attacks from across the world in a single week, with 2,684 attempts to guess weak passwords on five devices, according to an investigation by Which?

Password managing website NordPass found the most used passwords in the UK last year were 123456 and, believe it or not, password.

Under the law, manufacturers of all internet-connected devices – from mobile phones, smart doorbells, and even high-tech refrigerators will be required to implement minimum security standards. They will also have to publish contact details so bugs and issues can be reported and resolved and tell consumers the minimum time they can expect to receive important security updates.

UK’s 10 most used passwords in 2023

  • 123456
  • password
  • qwerty
  • liverpool
  • 123456789
  • arsenal
  • 12345678
  • 12345
  • abc123
  • Chelsea

Of course, the US has many in addition to this list with some omissions. Yet, people who believe that using a password of a music group, sports team, city, actor/actress or anybody in the public eye as we have advised numerous times is not safe. This begets the question – are they receiving training, and if so, is anyone monitoring them.

As I will write next week, many of the largest data breaches and many clients we obtained have suffered the consequences of poor cyber hygiene.

As everyday life becomes increasingly dependent on connected devices, the threats generated by the internet multiply and become even greater.

As a result of this law consumers will have greater peace of mind that their smart devices are protected from cyber criminals. This demonstrates the commitment the UK is making it the safest place in the world to be online. These new regulations mark a significant leap towards a more secure digital world.

Hopefully, this will inspire other countries to adopt similar legislation.

According to recent figures, 99% of UK adults own at least one smart device and UK households own an average of nine connected devices. A further 57% of households own a smart TV, 53% own a voice assistant and 49% own a smart watch or fitness wristband. The new measures intend to increase consumer confidence in the security of the products they use and buy.

It is part of the government’s £2.6bn National Cyber Strategy to protect and promote the UK online.

Consider our firm to assist you in your cyber hygiene needs before you become another victim as so many have – large and small across all verticals!

Richard Freiberg
Profitability Consultant
Richard Freiberg CPA PC
Phone (980)339-3352
Cell (914)393-0033
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