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Cyber Insights Today September 10, 2024

Cyber Insights Today September 10, 2024

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Cyber Insights Today September 10, 2024
Privacy and Security
I am Richard Freiberg. Today we will be addressing an update to litigation on a ransomware attack which caused the death of a newborn baby as a follow up to a previous newsletter in part 1 of a 2 part series.
5 months after an Alabama hospital settled the first-ever death claim related to a ransomware attack, attorneys representing the mother of the baby who died from birth complications related to the 2019 incident say the hospital hasn’t paid up and are asking the court to intervene.
The lawsuit filed by plaintiff Teiranni Kidd against Springhill Memorial Hospital in 2019 and amended in June 2020 alleges that Kidd’s daughter, Nicko Silar, suffered birth complications and subsequently died because – due to the ransomware attack – hospital clinicians did not have timely access to the baby’s fetal monitoring results, which showed that the child was in distress during Kidd’s labor. I wrote on this in a newsletter –
To date, SMH refuses to fund tile settlement. Instead, it is holding the payment hostage to a new demand for additional material terms for which it never bargained,” the motion says.
The motion filed by Kidd’s attorneys alleges that Springhill appears to have “only two possible motivations” for new settlement terms.
Those reasons are “to subject plaintiff and her counsel to the risk of [redacted text] from meritless allegations of breach of confidentiality for disclosure of details about this litigation that have already been made public; or to extricate Springhill from a binding settlement about which it has apparently had second thoughts,” the motion says.
Because a settlement was reached on April 15, the case did not go to trial on April 29 as scheduled more than 16 months ago.
As originally written, Kidd’s lawsuit alleges that she was unaware that the hospital was amid a ransomware attack when she was admitted on July 16, 2019. Kidd’s baby was born at the hospital on July 17 with her umbilical cord tied around her neck, suffering severe brain damage and other complications, which were allegedly the cause of her death several months later.
Fetal monitoring and other information, which was unavailable to clinicians during Kidd’s labor due to the cyberattack, should have prompted an emergency Caesarean section to deliver the baby safely yet was not performed.
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That’s it for Cyber Insights Today.
Richard Freiberg
Profitability Consultant
Richard Freiberg CPA PC
Phone (980)339-3352
Cell (914)393-0033
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Comments from the Peanut Gallery

1 thought on “Cyber Insights Today September 10, 2024”

  1. Wow, what a serious topic! It’s so important to keep our data safe, especially in healthcare.

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