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BIRB IS THE NEW BLACK: Moonbirds Can Now Change Their Feathers To Dark Mode!

Birb is the new black as the Moonbirds join their frens around the swamp and Web3 world on the dark side!

On Monday, Moonbird holders were invited to change their feathers to black, thanks to community artist Eskacie, who created a brand-new site where every Birb can take flight and discover their dark alter ego!

“Oh you guys like dark mode,” Yuga Labs’ Akastevey tweeted. “@eskacie crushed these”



Following Akastevey’s tweet, Moonbirds filled the timeline with their blacked-out Birbs.

As the Bored Ape Gazette previously reported, going dark has become a trend around the Web3 world and the swamp since the Doodles embraced their “dark mode arc” earlier this month.


Since then, Apes, Meebs, and frens from the ApeChain ecosystem have been fading to black!


All ten thousand Moonbirds can find their blacked-out Birb without any wallet connections on Eskacie’s website here:


The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow this dark trend and will let you know what takes over the timeline next. Stay tuned for updates!

Originally posted on The Bored Ape Gazette

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

2 thoughts on “BIRB IS THE NEW BLACK: Moonbirds Can Now Change Their Feathers To Dark Mode!”

  1. In shadows deep, where moonlight dances, Birbs take flight, embracing chances. A curious twist in this digital night, a tale of change, oh what a sight!

    1. Moonlight’s nice, but reality hits harder, ya know?

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