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Choosing a Domain Name for My Food Truck Business

DomainNamesOne of the most important steps on the path to building your professional image is to acquire your domain name. Your domain is your address online. It is an address that YOU own.

Can I use my social media account as my online website?
You can, but you shouldn’t. You have no control over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. At any moment they could ban your account (on purpose or by mistake). The network can change the look/feel of the site, force users to see even more ads, or any other change that isn’t necessarily in your best interest but theirs.

What can I do with my own domain name?
Not only can your domain be the address to your website, but you can create an unlimited amount of aliases. Not just or For example, I make shortcuts to longer links using my domains. Maybe you want to make redirect to an existing profile page of yours on a gallery website.

I don’t have a need for a full website.
That is totally fine. You could make a simple launch page then with buttons that link to your social media pages and contact info. Think of this as your online business card, one screen with all the details to direct your customers.

Don’t forget about custom email addresses!
One of my biggest gripes is with people who put the money into having a custom website and domain, but then they are using a free email service as their address. Even if you don’t want to spend the extra money to have hosted email for your domain, you should be able to create email forwarders. ->

If you want to search for name availability then please head to our favorite domain regisration service at

Originally posted on Follow My Truck

Follow My Truck
Author: Follow My Truck

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