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Swimming with Sharks: How Not to Become the “Company Ink”

Company Ink

Welcome to Corporate Shark Tank, where everyone’s swimming upstream to avoid being devoured by office gossip. Congratulations! You’ve landed a job at your dream company, and you’re ready to climb the corporate ladder. But beware: lurking beneath the surface is a temptation as old as water coolers themselves—the seductive allure of becoming the “company ink.”

Let’s dive into the murky waters of office romance, where the stakes are high and the coffee is cold.

The Allure of the Forbidden Ink

Why Do We Crave It?

  • The Thrill of the Chase: There’s nothing like the adrenaline rush of a workplace crush, except maybe the thrill of realizing your boss is within earshot of your whispered sweet nothings.
  • Power Play: Everyone loves a power dynamic—especially when it involves using company supplies as your personal romance toolkit. Nothing says “I love you” like a stapler-shaped heart.

The Pitfalls of Being the Ink

  • Water Cooler Warriors: Prepare to become the hottest topic of the office gossip mill, where everyone speculates on the fate of your romantic escapades. Spoiler: they always end in disaster.
  • Meeting Madness: Experience the awkward joy of sitting through meetings where your paramour can’t make eye contact without blushing, or worse, giving you a thumbs-up when you propose the new sales strategy.

The Warning Signs

Red Flags in the Office Jungle

  • The Accidental Touch: A brush of the hand while reaching for the same TPS report, causing your coworkers to gasp and clutch their pearls. Note: This is not a sign of true love.
  • The “Lunch Date” Whisperer: When every meal becomes a covert operation requiring the stealth of a ninja and the discretion of a secret agent. Spoiler: You’re terrible at being subtle.

How to Resist the Ink

  • Channel Your Inner Hermit: Develop the remarkable ability to become invisible at office parties and happy hours. If they can’t find you, they can’t seduce you.
  • Keep It Professional: Remember that every flirtatious email is a ticking time bomb waiting to be forwarded to HR. Stick to emojis that express only mild enthusiasm and zero passion.

Strategies for Staying Ink-Free

The Ink Detox Plan

  • Find a Hobby: Channel your romantic energies into something productive, like learning a new skill, joining a book club, or developing an unhealthy obsession with your cat’s Instagram page.
  • Office Decoy: Befriend the office conspiracy theorist. Their tales of alien invasions and secret government plots will make your romantic endeavors seem positively mundane.

The Perils of Ignoring the Plan

  • The Breakup Brouhaha: Experience the joy of navigating office politics when your love affair inevitably implodes, leaving you to endure awkward elevator rides and the scent of your ex’s cologne forever lingering in the break room.
  • The Promotion Purgatory: Watch your career prospects vanish faster than your dignity at the last company retreat when you discover that being “company ink” is not, in fact, a stepping stone to success.


The temptation to become the “company ink” is real, but the rewards are fleeting, and the consequences are as lasting as a bad hangover. So, next time you feel the urge to dip your quill into the office inkwell, remember: there’s no love potion strong enough to mask the smell of regret.

Instead, keep your love life as separate from your work life as possible and focus on the real corporate goal: surviving the daily grind with your reputation—and sanity—intact.

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

9 thoughts on “Swimming with Sharks: How Not to Become the “Company Ink””

  1. Lol, yep I’ve done it and regretted it back when I was in my single days some 17 years ago. Never went far went on 1 date and wasn’t interested. She had had the crush for years and took it like I divorced her and was the spawn of Lucifer himself. It was miserable for years after, as we both stayed at the company.

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