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Cyber Insights Today August 20, 2024

Cyber Insights Today August 20, 2024

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Cyber Insights Today August 20, 2024

Hosted by Richard Freiberg

I am Richard Freiberg. Today we will be addressing 4 Cybersecurity Questions Boards Can’t Afford To Ignore in part 3 of a 4 part series.

As board of directors head into their quarterly meetings, cybersecurity MUST be top of the agenda.

The reasons behind the recent proliferation in cyberattacks are ransomware attacks and bot attacks disrupting important systems threatening the continued existence and viability of businesses (including critical infrastructure) of all sizes and across all verticals which cost the global economies trillions of dollars.

Why is this becoming a board-related issue? Not only do these attacks have real financial and reputational risk to the business which the board is responsible for overseeing as part of its fiduciary duties to the organization, but government regulatory bodies like the SEC are increasingly putting the onus on boards to increase reporting and implement stronger corporate governance practices

  1. What can we do to run a fire drill for security?

When it comes to incident response, companies MUST practice, practice, practice. For the board, that could look like ensuring there are not only clear steps in place for what needs to happen should an incident occur but also ensuring that those steps have been practiced ahead of time via a tabletop exercise similar to how you’d practice exiting the building during a fire drill to know where to go in the event of an emergency.

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That’s it for Cyber Insights Today.
Richard Freiberg
Profitability Consultant
Richard Freiberg CPA PC
Phone (980)339-3352
Cell (914)393-0033
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Comments from the Peanut Gallery

1 thought on “Cyber Insights Today August 20, 2024”

  1. Cybersecurity’s a hot topic, especially for boards. Gotta stay sharp and ready for anything!

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